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Who are we.

SCC Safe Cutting Consultants – Belgium
is a Belgian supplier of cutting tools for professionals in a productional – and logistics environment. We are brand independent, constantly searching for the best possible solution for our customers.
SCC is a young company started in 2020 by

Founder Fred Van der Linden

SCC is a brand independent providrer of high quality safety knifes for Professional users. We do constant research to new products with one objective: Provide our customers with the best possible solution to avoid injuries, avoid damaged goods and lower operational cost After many years of experience in logistics and production environments I noticed that most companies have a severe safety police but they still do not use the safest tools. In some countries the classic cutters are no longer allowed to use by law. In the Benelux this is not the case however there is some awareness of the problem.

In a logistics environment 70% of all work accidents are cutting injuries on hands. 30% Of these accidents provoke at least 1 day of working incapacity. In some cases the employee stays invalid for a longer time a even permanently. This is a huge cost for the company and for your employee.

The solution does not ask for higher investments: A safety cutter is not more expensive than a usual cutter. In some cases it is even cheaper.

For a permanent solution feel free to contact us on we are happy to come to your offices for a free consulting.


years of professional experience

4 languages

Consulting in Dutch, French, German and English